The Reggio Emilia approach is a proven innovative approach to early childhood education. Our inspiration stems from the philosophy of Reggio Emilia where we believe that every child is born creative, intuitive and resourceful, and holds a strong potential for development from a very young age. In this approach, children actively participate, collaborate while they construct their own learning experience with their teachers. Our early learning centre provides a zestful environment that acts as ‘the third teacher’ and promotes curiosity and self-discovery as the first step to a life-long love for learning.
We take pride in introducing Reggio Emilia Approach which ascertains that children have “infinite ways to express, explore, and connect their thoughts, feelings, and imaginings.” And expressive art being the vocabulary of these languages, it becomes an essential and affirmatory everyday mode of self-discovery and communication in our classrooms. It helps us help each child find and explore their unique path to self-fulfillment and discovery. As the maximum extent of brain development happens during this age, we consider it prime to impart knowledge in their daily activities.

Children are constructors of their own knowledge
We believe that children are not empty vessels waiting to be filled with adult-given knowledge, but are constructors of their own learning and experience. The teacher’s role is to facilitate, guide, observe, support, and inspire children.They are driven by what interests them and through play.

They construct the knowledge of the world around them
We believe that children right from their earlier years are trying to develop explanations for the world around them. Children are encouraged to be active collaborators, communicators and constructors of their own learning rather than to be passive observers.

Using language as a play
Communication leads to exploration and discovery. Conversation and research become key elements of our day, as we dig deeper into the child’s ideas and interests.Children are encouraged to use language to investigate, explore and reflect on their experiences. Teachers interface as active collaborators as see their interactions and inquiry and opportunity to learn.

Environment is a third teacher
We believe that the environment is a third-teacher; our bright spacious classrooms offer spaces for children to work individually or in small groups, cozy corners for being comfortable or alone, and engaging play structures at varying heights and angles for gross motor challenges and dramatic play.

Adults as mentors
We believe parents, teachers, and children are seen as partners in education. Collaboration exists among all participants. The ideas that parents bring to the school are valued and exchanged with teachers and children. The parents’ voices are perceived as important contributors to the dialogue concerning children.

The power of documentation makes the learning process visible
Documentation plays a crucial role in the planning of future activities. Documentation includes children’s drawings, dictations, photographs, video recordings, and other representations that teachers and children revisit and reflect on. Children’s learning experiences are shared with parents and other visitors through documentation panels that are displayed throughout the center.
Project Based Learning (PBL) is more than just a teaching method. It’s a revitalization of education for students so that they can develop intellectually and emotionally. By using real-world scenarios, challenges, and problems, students gain useful knowledge and skills that increase during their designated project periods. The goals of using complex questions or problems is to develop and enhance student learning by encouraging critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork and self-management. The project’s proposed question drives students to make their own decisions, perform their own research, and review their own and fellow students’ process/projects.
The ‘Imprint’ – or the first five years of life – is the immutable foundation that moulds the child’s ability to learn and succeed in school life. The maximum extent of brain development in a child happens during these formative years.
At ‘Lil Pallikkoodam,’ we emphasise on three areas of growth during this enriching period – Individualized learning, Effective social and communication skills for the new age, and productive coexistence in the social environment. This way, we ensure every child gets the singular advantage of the creative teaching methods of visionaries, viz., Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget and Howard Gardner upon whose teachings the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood was founded.